
Sealants Polysulphide and Polyurethane Sealant The concept of liquid waterproofing has existed from the early 1800s, when natural bitumen was combined with jute, straw, rag felt and other man-made materials to provide a waterproofing solution for roofs. In the early twentieth century the manufacture of liquid roof coatings became a commercial activity, with the earliest…

Bitumen Impregnated Joint Filler Board

Bitumen Impregnated Joint Filler Board Jolly Bitulex is can fibre bitumen impregnated expansion joint board is processed from cane fiber and bitumen. The combination of these raw materials is tested and proven to provide the best resilience to weathering cycle in concrete. Is made with swedish machinery and technology, developed through years of intensive research.…

Repair & Rehabilitation: Altra Construction

Repair & Rehabilitation: Altra Construction Md. Nahidul Islam Managing Partner, ALTRA Construction Co. ALTRA provides Waterproofing & Protective Coating solutions for all areas. The range of waterproofing coats consists ShaliRust Off, ShaliPrime ZnR, ShaliBond concrete, Shalifix EM, ShaliGrout EI, ShaliFix RM, ShaliCryl 215. The three major signs of distress in a concrete structures are cracking,…

Liquid Waterproofing Membrane

Liquid Waterproofing Membrane Waterproofing with liquid membranes is gaining popularity and has considerable benefits over traditionally used pre-formed membrane systems The concept of liquid waterproofing has existed from the early 1800s, when natural bitumen was combined with jute, straw, rag felt and other man-made materials to provide a waterproofing solution. There are other different kinds…

Roads & Bridges: Repairing & Waterproofing

Roads & Bridges: Repairing & Waterproofing ALTRA’s Repairing & Waterproofing for Roads & Bridges ALTRA’s waterproofing soultions include ShaliSeal RSTC, SuperThermoLay APP membrane, ShaliPatch, ShaliPatch EC, to be used on Roads & Bridges Structures are exposed to the aggressive environment like carbonation, Alkali-silica reaction, Moisture, etc., resulting in corrosion of reinforcement and detoriating the quality…

Morden Waterproofing

Morden Waterproofing Various Waterproofing Technologies  Waterproofing is one of the most important parameters consider in the construction of building and structures to prevent leakages, dampness, etc., making the structures durable and long lasting. Waterproofing is a defined treatment of a surface or structures to prevent the passage of water under hydrostatic pressure, whereas dam proofing…